Dealing With Bad Breath

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bad Breath: Frequently Asked Questions

"Dealing With Bad Breath" Article

Bad Breath: Frequently Asked Questions
By Dion Kramer


Bad breath is an awful condition that can cause us to feel self conscious when talking with others. So serious is this condition that it can create social and psychological impediments which affect our relationships. Many sufferers of bad breath are unaware. Others rely on items such as mints and mouthwashes that only assist temporarily.

Thankfully bad breath can in some cases be improved with proper oral hygiene. It is recommended that you visit a dentist in the event that proper oral hygiene does not provide an adequate solution. A dentist can ascertain the cause of your bad breath and advise you on a course of action to end the bad breath. You should comforted by the high rate of success achieved by dentists in managing or eliminating bad breath.

Do I suffer from bad breath?

It is very difficult to tell on your own. Efforts to yield results by cupping your hands over your mouth and smelling your own breath will be ineffective. The most effective method used to determine whether you have bad breath is to ask someone as bad breath becomes apparent when we are talking.

What causes bad breath?

There are several causes of bad breath.

1. Food is the most well known cause of bad breath. Bad breath can be a result of foods containing particular oils such as onions and garlic. Other foods including some vegetables and spices can contribute to bad breath. Another source of bad breath arises when food left in your mouth that is caught between your teeth or stuck to your teeth begins to breakdown.

2. A lack of dental hygiene can be a reason for bad breath. Food particles left within your mouth will emit an odor in the event you do not brush and floss effectively. Plaque will form on your teeth and fill pockets between your teeth affecting your gums. The result will be gum disease and bad breath. It is imperative that proper dental hygiene is maintained.

3. A dry mouth can result in bad breath. This is because dead cells congregating on your tongue, gums and cheeks breakdown and emit an odor. Most people would be familiar with this occurrence as it is the reason for having bad breath when we awake in the morning. Dry mouth can be made worse as a result of smoking, issues with your salivary glands and various medications.

4. Smoking will adversely affect your breath. Smoking dries the mouth resulting in bad breath. Gum disease which causes bad breath is also more prevalent in smokers.

5. Dieting can also be a source of bad breath. The breakdown of body chemicals during dieting can result in bad breath. This bad breath is sometimes described as smelling ‘fruity’.

6. Bad breath can be associated with certain illnesses and conditions. These include diabetes, kidney failure, chronic lung infections and lung abscesses, and chronic reflux of stomach acids from your stomach. Hiatal hernia can also be a source of bad breath.

7. Sinus infections can also result in bad breath. This is because a nasal discharge from your sinuses into the back of your throat can cause bad breath. A throat infection such as tonsillitis, strep throat and mononucleosis can also be the reason for bad breath. Other culprits include some upper respiratory infections and bronchitis due to the coughing up of odorous sputum. Canker sores when in the company of gum disease can also be a source of bad breath.

What can be done about bad breath?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a critical factor in preventing bad breath. You should brush twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. And clean between your teeth daily with dental floss ensuring to also brush your tongue. Refrain from wearing your dentures at night and clean them well before replacing them the following morning.

Visits to the dentist for a check-up will ensure any issues that cause bad breath may be detected and treated. It is also advisable to receive regular dental cleanings.

How do I find a dentist who treats bad breath?

Identifying the source of your bad breath can be done by a visit to the dentist. A treatment plan can then be developed to manage or eliminate your unpleasant breath.

How is bad breath treated?

Bad breath is generally caused by a problem within the mouth so it is very likely that a dentist can assist you with your problem. It is advisable not to disguise your bad breath when visiting a dentist. This way the dentist can assess the full extent of the problem.

Your dentist will first ascertain whether the source of your bad breath is within your mouth and then propose a treatment plan. You may be referred to a periodontist in the event that you are suffering from gum disease. It may be necessary to visit other health professionals if no oral cause can be identified by the dentist.

How can I help myself?

1. Brush your teeth after you eat. Keep a toothbrush at work to brush after eating.

2. Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and change your toothbrush every three to four months.

3. Brush your tongue. This will remove dead cells, bacteria and food debris. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your tongue with at least 5 to 15 strokes.

4. Floss at least once a day. This will remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth.

5. Use a mouthwash recommended by your dentist or pharmacist before going to sleep.

6. Consume plenty of water to keep your mouth moist. Chewing sugarless gum or sucking on sugarless candy also stimulates saliva which washes away food particles and bacteria. Resist coffee, soft drinks or alcohol.

7. Clean your bridge or denture thoroughly at least once a day or as directed by your dentist.

8. Visit your dentist at least twice a year to have your teeth or dentures examined and cleaned.

Will mouthwash help with bad breath?

Mouthwashes are only a temporary measure in the fight against bad breath. The alcohol contained in mouthwash dries your mouth which will leads to bad breath. The ideal time to use mouthwash is when going to sleep as the bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath will be eliminated while you sleep. Your dentist or pharmacist should be able to recommend a suitable mouthwash.

Will sugarless gum help with bad breath?

Bad breath can be assisted by chewing sugarless gum as it encourages saliva flow. Sulfur particles that cause bad breath are dissolved by saliva. Saliva also cleanses the teeth of bacteria and food particles.

Can talking a lot during the day cause bad breath?

Talking excessively can dry your mouth and stimulate bacteria that causes bad breath. The solution is to drink water consistently or place a drop of lemon on your tongue. This will keep you mouth moist and encourage the flow of saliva.

Can my menstrual period cause bad breath?

Women may experience bad breath during their menstrual cycle. The gums become more accommodating for bacteria causing bad breath during this time. Capillaries running through the gums sometimes burst releasing a little blood into the gums. An unpleasant odor is produced as a result of bacteria feeding on this blood.

Dion Kramer is co-founder and managing director of NobleHealth. NobleHealth is a dental plan for the people of Brisbane, Australia. It entitles members to 15% to 55% off their dental fees. Dion Kramer began writing about oral health to assist members of NobleHealth. Dion Kramer collaborates with NobleHealth dentists Brisbane so his writings are topical and up-to-date. You can visit the website to learn more about NobleHealth and each NobleHealth dentist Brisbane


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